Editorial Board

Ana Estela Brandão

Post-Doctorate from Universidad Iberoamericana, Paraguay. PhD in Educational Sciences UAA, Paraguay. PhD in Education from Universidade Dom Bosco, Brazil. Master in Educational Sciences Lusophone, Porto/Portugal. Member of the Scientific Council of the Inclusive Education Congress of the University of Almeria Spain.


Aquiles Júlio de Castro Junior 

Doctoral candidate in Sociology at the University of Coimbra, Master in Sociology at the University of Coimbra, Graduated in Law at the Fluminense Federal University – UFF. Independent lawyer. 


Carmelindo Maliska

Doctor in Nuclear Medicine from UFRJ; Specialization in Neuropsychology from the Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro (SCMRJ); Improvement in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry by (SCMRJ); Preceptor at the Mental Health Internship of the UNIG Medicine course; Head of the Research Division of the DEP and of the Nuclear Medicine Service of the Army Central Hospital. Professor of Physiology at the USS School of Medicine; Titular Professor of Biophysics, Coordinator of Teaching Research and Head of the Department of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry of Nova Friburgo (FONF), currently UFF; Visiting Professor of Master’s and Doctoral Courses (Mercosur) at Universidad Autonónoma de Asunción, Universidad Americana and Universidad Columbia; CNPq Researcher; Graduation in Medicine from the USS College of Medicine.


Eduardo Augusto Machado 

Entrepreneur/Entrepreneur, Doctoral Student in Production Engineering, Master in Metrology, Postgraduate in Marketing and Graduated in Business Administration at PUC-Rio; Executive MBA from Coppead-UFRJ; Lead Advisor by Quality Management International (QMI) in partnership with USP Polytechnic; Member of the Advisory Board of the National Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (CONAJE); Member of the Fiscal Council and specialist in entrepreneurship and business environment at the Millennium Institute. For 2 years (2020 and 2021) he was General Director of the Foreign Trade Studies Center Foundation (FUNCEX). 


Emiliano Estigarribia Canese

Doctor in Business Management – Universidad Autónoma de Asunción. Master in Business Administration – Universidad Técnica de Comercialización y Desarrollo. Specialist in Didactics for Middle Education and Specialist in Research Methodology – Universidad Politécnica y Artística. Degree in Economics – Catholic University.


Jeferson de Azevedo

Senior Researcher at the Federal Government of Brazil. PhD and Master in Geosciences from the Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF, Brazil. Specialist in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Brazil. Specialist in Higher Education – FETSU, Brazil Bachelor in Chemistry with Technological Orientation and Degree in Chemistry – FAHUPE, Brazil. Bachelor in Chemistry – FTESM, Brazil.


João Wagner Martins

PhD student in Educational Sciences. Master in Educational Sciences. Specialist in School Management, Science Teaching, Autism Spectrum Disorder/ASD and Public Education Management. Teacher and Teaching Supervisor. President of APROMAM – Management 2020/2025. Biologist, Pedagogue, Psychopedagogue and Environmental Educator.


Ricardo De Bonis 

Post-Doctor from the Universidad Iberoamerica, PhD from the Universidad Americana – Asunción (American University System, USA); Master from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; MBA from Universidade Gama Filho; Prof. the discipline “Ethics in Research and Academic Production” and “Scientific Research Methodology”, at Universidad Columbia (Asunción, PY); Member of the team of researchers at the UFRJ Digestive Motility Laboratory.


Ronaldo do Nascimento Carvalho 

Post Doctor in Administration by UNIBE/PY; PhD in Administration from the Universidad Americana – PY. Master in Administration from the Universidad Americana. Master’s student in the Cerrado Territory and Cultural Expressions (TECCER) program at (UEG). Professor at the IEP Institute. 


Valeska Regina Soares Marques 

Post Doctorate in Public Health at UNIBE/PY; PhD in Public Health from the Universidad Americana – PY. Master in Public Health from the Universidad Americana. Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from UFRRJ. Administrative Coordinator of APAE Niterói. 




They journal publishes articles in English  


Magazine edited by the iiEP  – Instituto Internacional de Educação e Pesquisa

Thirst: Av. Pastor Martin Luther King Júnior., 126 (Torre 2000  Sala 104) – Del Castilho

Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil CEP 20765-971


Valeska Regina Soares Marques 

Ronaldo Do Nascimento Carvalho


Ricardo De Bonis

Graphic Design / Publishing

Júlia Helena Avelar Caputo

Online Publication





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